Recalibration Programme PATI [Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja] 16-Nov-2021 until 31-Dec-2021

Click here for Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja 2.0 (RTK) [Recalibration Programme PATI 2.0]
Recalibration Programme (Malay: Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja (RTK)) is an initiative by the Malaysian government to regularize illegal immigrants in the country.
The plan that was launched on 16 November 2020, has now been extended until 31 December 2021.
This plan is somewhat similar to earlier legalization programmes like 6P and Rehiring Programme PATI.
Recalibration of foreign workers in Malaysia is a process of legalizing illegal foreign workers to stay and work in the country.
On 22 April 2021, In a joint statement, Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin and Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri M. Saravanan said “Labour Recalibration Programme has expanded to restore country’s economy, and to prevent critical sectors such as construction, manufacturing, plantation and services sectors from suffering huge losses due to labour shortages.
- Employing foreigners in several service sub-sectors, ie restaurants, cargo, retail and wholesale, and cleaning services
- Illegal migrants who had registered for the Rehiring Programme and the 6P amnesty Programme, but did not complete the application process and did not receive the temporary work visit pass.
- Illegal migrants who escaped (lari) but were not reported by their employers and those who have original and valid documents from their home countries.
The program comprises of two major components;
- The Labour Recalibration Programme (Employment Recalibration Programme)
- Return Recalibration Programme (Repatriation Programme)
Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin said “The Labour Recalibration Plan (Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja) regularizes illegal foreign workers in Malaysia as foreign workers who could be employed by eligible employers subject to stringent conditions determined by the government through the Immigration Department and the Peninsular Malaysia Labour Department (JTKSM)”.
While “The Return Recalibration Programme (Program Rekalibrasi Pulang) allows undocumented immigrants to return to their country of origin voluntarily subject to specific stipulated conditions” he said.
All Employers and Illegal foreign workers who want to join the programme must deal with the Immigration department and Labour department directly.
“The Five sectors namely Manufacturing, Construction, Plantation, Service and Agriculture are allowed to employ illegal immigrants during the implementation of Illegal Immigrant Employment Recalibration Plan”.
This New Employment Recalibration Plan is only for those undocumented migrant workers, who work in 3D jobs (Difficult, Dirty and Dangerous) .
Interested employers can join the Pelan Rekalibrasi PATI (Pendatang Asing Tanpa Izin) online.
Are you looking to legalize Illegal Foreign worker under Pati Recalibration Program 2.0?
Get in touch with us Now!
According to FAQ document released by The Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN); this process is subject to stringent conditions decided by the Government through the Immigration Department of Malaysia (JIM) and the Department of Labour of Peninsular Malaysia (JTKSM).
As of 2017, The World Bank estimated the number of Foreign Workers in Malaysia to be around 2.96 million to 3.26 million.
And the number of irregular (Undocumented, Overstayed) foreign workers to be approximately 1.23 million – 1.46 million.
Are you looking to legalize Illegal Foreign worker under Foreign Worker Recalibration Program 2.0?
Get in touch with us Now!
KOS BAYARAN | Wang Cagaran : RM500 Fi Rekalibrasi1 : RM1,500 Levi : RM1,850 (Perkilangan dan Pembinaan) RM640 (Perladangan dan Pertanian) PLKS : RM60 Bayaran Proses : RM125 Visa : Mengikut warganegara |
SENARAI SEMAK | Dokumen syarikat dan pengenalan diri majikan,Kelulusan kuota daripada JTKSM,Resit asal bayaran wang cagaranPasport asal dan salinanSlip Pendaftaran PATI & MajikanSlip SPIKPA (kecuali sektor Perladangan) |
SYARAT KELAYAKAN | Hanya majikan daripada sektor perkilangan, pembinaan, pertanian dan perladangan SAHAJA;Tertakluk kepada kuota yang diluluskan oleh JTKSM;Pematuhan kepada syarat-syarat penggajian pekerja asing sedia ada seperti bayaran levi, kelayakan pas dan sebagainya; danTidak berada dalam Senarai Disyaki dan Senarai Hitam |
MAKLUMAT TAMBAHAN | PATI daripada 15 buah negara sumber iaitu; a) Indonesia b) Bangladesh c) Thailand d) India e) Filipina f) Kemboja g) Laos h) Nepal i) Myanmar j) Sri Lanka k) Vietnam l) Parkistan m) Turkmenistan n) Uzbekistan o) KazakhstanPelan ini diperkenalkan bagi menangani isu kekurangan tenaga kerja yang dihadapi oleh pihak industri pada ketika ini susulan daripada pembekuan pengambilan pekerja asing baharu dalam negaraObjektif utama pelaksanaan pelan ini adalah; a) Membenarkan PATI pulang ke negara asal secara sukarela melalui Program Rekalibrasi Pulang (PRP); b) Meregularisasikan PATI yang ada dalam negara sebagai pekerja asing yang sah melalui Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja (RTK). |
Amnesty Programme for Illegals in Malaysia Timeline | Year |
6P – Pendaftaran (registration), Pemutihan (legalisation), Pengampunan (amnesty), Pemantauan (supervision), Penguatkuasaan (enforcement), and Pengusiran (deportation) | 2011 |
Rehiring Programme PATI (Program Penggajian dan Penempatan Semula PATI) | 2016 |
Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja (Recalibration Programme) | 2020 |
A total of 145,830 illegal immigrants have registered under the Labour Recalibration Programme and the Return Recalibration Programme since they were implemented in November last year, says Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin.
He said of the total, 72,324 illegal immigrants have registered to return and another 73,506 individuals have registered to be legally re-employed. source
Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja Terms & Conditions Download